Social Capital



Social Capital is the value derived from positive connections between people. It is sometimes described as the “glue” in a community. In general, the higher level of social capital, the more resilient, cohesive, and healthy a community is.

Social Capital Statements

Residents were asked for each of the following statements, to rate the extent to which they agree.

  • Trust in Government
    • I personally trust law enforcement in Mesa County.
    • I personally trust local government officials in Mesa County.
    • I am satisfied with Mesa County elected officials (specifically the Commissioners, Sheriff, Coroner, Clerk and Recorder, Assessor, District Attorney, Surveyor and Treasurer).
  • Economy & Education
    • I am pleased with the state of the economy in Mesa County.
    • I am pleased with the state of education in Mesa County.
  • Relationships and Social Capital
    • I feel close to people in the area where I live
    • During the past 12 months, how often have you met up with one or more members of your family?
    • Can you estimate how many friends living in your community you keep in fairly regular contact with?
    • On average, about how many hours per month do you volunteer for any organization in Mesa County?

Key Findings

  • Over most demographics, residents on average report that they “agree” they personally trust local law enforcement.
  • In general, as income increases, trust in law enforcement and satisfaction with the economy increase, as well.
  • Notable divergence from the item above is for residents making between $25k - $50k in annual household income. They rated the lowest levels of trust in law enforcement and local government, as well as the lowest satisfaction with elected officials and the economy. This distrust increases further when children are present in the home.
  • As age increased, trust in law enforcement and in local government officials increased as well.

Social Capital: Average Responses

For each of the following statements, please rate the extent to which you agree.

  • Averages were computed using: 0=Disagree, 1=Slightly Agree, 2=Moderately Agree, 3=Agree, and 4=Strongly Agree.


By selecting 'Preserve' it is easier to see order changes when filtering the demographics. Select reorder to sort rows on changes.

Trust in Government

0=Disagree, 1=Slightly Agree, 2=Moderately Agree, 3=Agree, and 4=Strongly Agree.

I personally trust law enforcement in Mesa County.
I personally trust local government officials in Mesa County.
I am satisfied with Mesa County elected officials.

Economy & Education

0=Disagree, 1=Slightly Agree, 2=Moderately Agree, 3=Agree, and 4=Strongly Agree.

I am pleased with the state of the economy in Mesa County.
I am pleased with the state of education in Mesa County.


0=Disagree, 1=Slightly Agree, 2=Moderately Agree, 3=Agree, and 4=Strongly Agree.

I feel close to people in the area where I live.
During the past 12 months, how often have you met up with one or more members of your family?
Can you estimate how many friends living in your community you keep in fairly regular contact with?
On average, about how many hours per month do you volunteer for any organization in Mesa County?

The Tell Us community survey was administered during June and July 2022. The survey was open to all Mesa County residents (18 years and older) to assess citizen satisfaction and to measure how residents perceived progress on key initiatives, customer service and efficiency of county government, and areas for future growth.