County Programs and Services



One of the County’s strategic plan goals includes a strategy to increase understanding of department roles. Residents indicated how familiar they were with a list of county departments and programs. When they indicated that they had some level of familiarity, they were ask what their impression was of the program or service.

Impression is a measure of how the residents perceive County programs and services.

Here you can explore how familiarity and impression change by demographic group.

Key Findings

  • Motor Vehicle and the Airport were consistently rated as most familiar to residents, while Surveyor and Code Compliance were consistently rated as least familiar.
  • The over all average familiarity with all Mesa County programs increased only a small amount for residents who’ve lived here 5-9 years.
  • Income had the highest correlation with familiarity and impression. As income increased, the familiarity and impression ratings increased. This was true for all programs except GVT and Elections - their ratings remained the same as income increased.
  • Impression of the Sheriff’s Office improved with age and income
  • DHS and Workforce Center, two programs that prioritize serving low-income residents, were rated as high familiarity and favorable impression among residents making less than $35,000 per year.
  • There is considerable variation of impression when considering political affiliation.


We would like to know how familiar you are with various programs and services in Mesa County. For each of the following County programs and services, please indicate your level of familiarity.

  • The average familiarity was calculated using 0=Not at all Familiar, 1=Slightly Familiar, 2=Moderately Familiar, 3=Familiar, 4=Very Familiar


By selecting 'Preserve' it is easier to see order changes when filtering the demographics.


We would like to know how familiar you are with various programs and services in Mesa County. For each of the following County programs and services, please indicate your level of familiarity.

  • Individuals who expressed no familiarity with a program or service were not asked to give their impression.
  • The average Impression was calculated using 0=Negative, 1=Slightly Positive, 2=Moderately Positive, 3=Positive, 4=Very Positive


By selecting 'Preserve' it is easier to see order changes when filtering the demographics.

Familiarity and Impression

Based on what you’ve heard about or experienced with the program or service below, what is your overall impression of that department?

  • A low familiarity score suggest that the impression comes less from interactions and more from hearsay or general reputation.
  • The average impression is calculate using 0=Negative, 1=Slightly Positive, 2=Moderately Positive, 3=Positive, 4=Very Positive.

Individual points are shown only when there are more than 40 responses for that item. You can hover over an item to see the counts. The filter sample count is different than the item count.

The Tell Us community survey was administered during June and July 2022. The survey was open to all Mesa County residents (18 years and older) to assess citizen satisfaction and to measure how residents perceived progress on key initiatives, customer service and efficiency of county government, and areas for future growth.