Communication Outlets



Residents use many type of outlets to learn about activities and services from the County. In this section you can explore how these outlets vary with demographic.

Key Findings

  • Most residents use computers and cell phones to learn about activities and services from the County.
  • The Mesa County website and Facebook pages are both highly preferred and frequently used.
  • For those under 40, Instagram, Radio, and Signage become relatively more important. This is similar for those who are People of Color.
  • For those 60 and older, television and printed news become relatively more important

Ease of Use

0=Disagree, 1=Slightly Agree, 2=Moderately Agree, 3=Agree, and 4=Strongly Agree.

If I need information related to a County service or department, I’m able to easily get it.

Outlets Used

Please check all of the communication outlets that you use to learn about activities and services in Mesa County. Shown is the percent those who checked an item.


By selecting 'Preserve' it is easier to see order changes when filtering the demographics.

Top 5 Preferred Outlets

Please select and rank 5 of your preferred ways of learning about activities and services in Mesa County.

A longer bar indicated more selections in the top 5. The length of colored bars represents the rank's weight in the row.


By selecting 'Preserve' it is easier to see order changes when filtering the demographics.
By selecting '54321 Weighted' higher preference is given to 1st ranked choice than to lower ranked choices (1st get 5 points, 2nd 4, 3rd 3, 4th 2, 5th 1).

Common Preferred Outlets

This tab allows viewing top common choices across a demographic.

Click a column header to sort the column.

The Tell Us community survey was administered during June and July 2022. The survey was open to all Mesa County residents (18 years and older) to assess citizen satisfaction and to measure how residents perceived progress on key initiatives, customer service and efficiency of county government, and areas for future growth.